Friday, September 14, 2012

Class Activity, Grid System!

      Today, we learnt different types of grid systems which are used in various layouts such as prints and websites. Grids are essential in designing a layout, it determines the balance and consistency of the content. The better the content is arranged, the easier for the reader to receive information of what the advertising is trying to say. Creating hierarchy in a layout is also important, it helps classify things according to its important. Headings have largest font, sub-headings have the second largest (usually bold/italic), and the main body content may have fonts ranging from 8-11pts. 

In-Class Activity!

This is what I did for the first activity, We first draw lines from top to bottom and across from left to right, according the the arrangement. We later find out that newspapers is often divided into 4-5 columns and magazines into 2-3 columns, this is due to the size of paper used. 

In-Class Activity 2!

Here is a layout for the magazine. I divided it into 2 columns. This layout was not balanced at first because there is a white space on the left side and not on the right, it's then corrected by removing the image in the upper right hand corner.

This is the grid layout for the  poster I did. We find out that most posters have their space taken up by an image (as the background), it also contain header/title and a catchy subheader (rarely contain any descriptions or long narratives ).

Working on:

Have a nice day :D

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