Monday, September 24, 2012

Composition Assignment

Assignment 5

Another composition assignment, a more fun one :). 

Paper Cut Out!

Our blade/knife handling skills are tested in this assignment. We are asked to create 2 A4 paper cut out  and mount it on an A3 mounting board. 1 should represent balance & symmetry and another one to represent dominance, space & weight. 

Idea 1-


yeah! plants, for the dominance, space & weight, I mainly focus on leaves. *googles "leaves"*. So, from the search I made, maple leave stands out the most, that is one, the rest are basically greens. 

Idea 2

I thought of making a symmetrical flower, but it didn't look nice so I started looking for another one. Heart shape is another one, threw the idea away though. I stopped and have a break on this assignment. I was playing poker on facebook and suddenly an idea pops up, why not align all the symbols (since it is symmetrical). And there goes the draft.

Here is a time lapse video of the process. Enjoy :) 

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